A unique service is offered by The Cube hotel in Fidenza.
The possibility of taking care of yourself, your body and your wellbeing during work breaks or on holiday, under the attentive and discreet supervision of an accredited personal trainer, available to all hotel Guests (booking required), in collaboration with Go! Athletic Studio.
Sport helps maintain a general physical and mental wellbeing, stimulates the production of endorphins and shapes the silhouette.
Do not miss the chance to enjoy all these benefits (which are actually many more, try it to believe it!) during your stay at The Cube hotel in Fidenza. Your personal trainer will help you train in the right way, assessing your real needs and establishing exercises and loads based on your physical characteristics.
Postural exercises, functional training, metabolic circuits, stretching, and much more.
Everything you've always dreamed of doing but which, partly for lack of time for yourself and partly because you've run out of energy, you've been putting off for months, finally available to crown your perfect stay at The Cube Hotel in Fidenza!